
Sunday, July 27, 2003

HOHOHO!! THIS IS RUTH!!! making the first post (so honoured) and meg will now type after me. i i am am not not meg meg (she has a split personality. she's currently pretending to be helga.)

halloooooo i'm not helga. don't listen to ruth. and i'm the 2nd to post something. i feel so honoured! suuuuuure.

me again! (of course.) anyway, blame boredom AGAIN for the explanation of why, when there are about 11 people in the house, we are doing this. we don't even know what on earth we're going to post later on. or something lovely like that. if you want a clue on how mine are gonna be, YOU MUST GO TO http://shortruth.blogspot.com.

or i'll bite you.


WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME! WELCOME!!! sorry, abit late ah.. haha oh well!
bye bye!

hi again! 'tis roaf. see what they mean (as in my mom and dad) mean when they say i talk too much? i guess that includes typing. BYE! -for real.

ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuth (ha meg, BEAT YOU!!)

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