
Friday, September 19, 2003

"He hit on you! He was hitting on you!" 

What kind of english is that, Meg? Huh? What do you mean by that? Contemplating the fundamentals of "hitting on" is very nerve-wracking, you know. That statement could either mean:

a) He hit you! (now that would hurt)


b) ... I don't know. It doesn't make sense.

Oh, the joys of colloquial terms these days.
I say, DFS sure is a great place to talk to strangers! But anyway. If you're wondering what my thing is with strangers today, I don't know. Maybe it's just because I realised that people are getting weirder and weirder everyday. Hour. Minute. Second. Uh... Nanosecond? (Wow, I typed all my words as properly as I could!)
Actually, I think the reason why I'm saying this redundant and utterly useless stuff (did you know that the word 'stuff' is not a proper word? Ha, I'm a rebel! ...ha, ha.) is because of horrible and nasty bus rides that make you sit and think about why people are so weird. I'll shut up now.

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