
Monday, September 22, 2003

music to my ears 

the joy and rapture that encompasses me when i hear my brother cut his toenails...

that was nasty. and what is with his toenails, anyway? he's been at it for fifteen minutes already. i took one to cut mine last night. at twelve thirty. maybe he's just enjoying every excruciating second of his freshly-cut toenails.

sorry, this post is nasty and yucky. (ha, same thing. longwinded ruth strikes again!)

heeeey, what's this song? OH! oh! The W's Alarm Clock! ah! i haven't heard that in a long time. i think i got sick of it. speaking of a sick-of-it thing, i'm still on my mom and dad's scary computer account because as much as the thing is screwed, it's even harder to fix it. well, at least that's what reuben-the-toenail-cutter-extraordinaire said last night.

wow, he's done. i'm so proud of him!

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