
Wednesday, October 22, 2003

bugs, foil, and the smelly man on the bus 

Yes yes, it's been a Weird Week.

Firstly, Meg has the stunning capacity to be so smelly that a certain bee can be soooo attracted to her.

Secondly, Christine has the absolutely magnificent pastime of being able to smooth out crumpled aluminium foil with her skirt in less than a minute.

And thirdly, the bus number 143 has the astonishing genorosity to allow a smelly will-not-pay-the-fare man onto the bus, such that the poor hairy man stands next to the bus driver and has to sustain a conversation about dinner and fares.

And, on top of that, I'm dead. Oh well. Sorry this is a dead boring post, I completely forgot what it was I wanted to talk about. Oh welly well. Tata comrades!

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