
Friday, October 24, 2003

spotlight on spongebob 

meg just turned the tiny light on the spongebob container thing on isaku's table (the one that my mom got for isaku's present sometime last year) and he's glowing. but not anymore, because meg's dad just turned it off. and meg is lying on the bed looking through the buzz book because we really don't know what to do today and are resorting to calling random people. i think she's gonna try stephen.

but anyway, isn't this so exciting, i'm typing on this weird keyboard (sorry meg) with my newly-painted nails! not like any of you would care, but oh well, they look nice and... shiny.

ooooh... the smell of nail polish in an air-conditioned room is intoxicating... ooooh...

meg's on hold on the phone. she's been holding for quite a while now. gah good charlotte is bad, bad, BAD. oh! she's talking to stephen now. i'm kinda lazy to get out my jammies, cos they're so nice and comfortable...

-dreamy and lazy ruth

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