
Tuesday, November 11, 2003

fruitflies and me 

we are happy, living together in splendid harmony and love.

i hate fruitflies.

my house seems to be (i really mean this literally) swarming with them. oh well, guess it isn't my fault that my brother is this super fruitfly magnet.

except he isn't home.

anyway, i'm bored, i'm home alone, it's anna baker's birthday today and i have to go to her dinner thing tonight, i haven't had lunch, i just called my dad, whined a lot, and he just (i could just tell he was smiling cos he was with his friends and my mom) said, "Uh huh, yesss, ok, Ruth, have your own lunch, I'm out with Rigby and Sue now, yes, ok, ok, haha, yes, ok, see you, bye bye," when all i had constantly said about 8 times throughout the short-lived conversation was that i was miserably hungry.

what happened to the power of vocabulary?

or the existence of one in a person's life, for that matter.

off i go to the kitchen in a brave search of ... food.

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