
Wednesday, November 12, 2003


i'm eating leftover sheep from the ritz now!

yum yum.

(no, it's not gala night food - that was so long ago! - it's the food my mom and dad couldn't finish last night over there)

yesterday was... interesting. not interesting bad, it was interesting fun. ah, see the difference? anyway, (i can't get over how nice this lamb is), it was Anna Baker's birthday yesterday! and she invited a few of us (well, only me and meg made it, but oh well) to go eat dinner at palm beach with her, her mom and her grandparents. we had CHILLI CRAB. oooh, just thinking about it is making me swooooon... yes, anyway, the only bad bit was when i got the sauce all over my nice nice shirt. oh well. we took, in total, four cabs; and we were really loud in one - the mercedes one - and the nasty cabbie told us to keep quiet cos he was on the phone. HOW DARE HE??? the other three were pretty cool, the one we took from town let us sing out hearts out (he even turned the volume higher when anna said she liked some song) (i hope it wasn't to drown us out). cool, eh? i "watched" (didn't really want to look, but there were mirrors everywhere so i didn't have much of a choice) meg and anna get another hole in their ears (i know, we all have built-in ones, but you know what i mean), meg saw anna get her bellybutton pierced (i'm a chicken, i didn't dare go in), we had this massive chocolate mousse cake covered (i really do mean covered) in tiny chocolate chips, and it was So Good, and we took about 76 pictures (oh my goodness. wow. that's a lot!) before meg's dad was nice enough to send me home at 11 something. and my mom's in jakarta right now!!! oh, the pain of it all. i'm smelly and gross, i think i'm gonna go take a shower now. farewell!

3 days to growing older!!!

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