
Saturday, November 22, 2003

yes, england won 

but it isn't the end of the world!

and everytime there's extra time for a rugby game, go on msn. it makes watching hearing the team you're rooting for (australia) lose a lot less painful.

anyway! i didn't expect to get interesting comments about pantene pro-v! wonderful, wonderful. i'm supposed to be packing for india now, but i'm feeling lazy tired.

congratulations to the open boys team! winning is good for you!!!

that wasn't as cheesy as i'd have liked it to be, but oh well, it will have to do.

i just wondered if they have indian bubblegum. my mom is reminding me right now that she "still has work to do". she always says that!

oh, you all have to read this:

The Cafeteria Lady — You Can Learn a Lot From a Turkey
by Martha Bolton

Turkey Life 101 — taught by the star of the Thanksgiving holiday, the turkey.

Lesson 1: Looks Aren’t Everything
Let’s face it. The turkey isn’t the most beautiful creature on earth. He’s not as colorful as the peacock or as graceful as the flamingo. And it’s hard not to notice the baggy thing hanging from his nose. But does he let that stop him from having his face plastered all over the news, television cooking shows and magazines during the month of November? Absolutely not! He doesn’t shy away from the spotlight. He thrives in it. Baggy nose and all!

Lesson 2: When It Comes to Life, We All Speak the Same Language
On the surface, it appears the turkey is at a disadvantage. He can’t talk like the parrot. All he can say is, "Gobble, gobble." But does the turkey allow his lack of communication skills to stop him? No! He realizes that being able to say, "Gobble, gobble" is enough. "Gobble, gobble" can mean anything he wants it to mean. "Gobble, gobble" can mean: "Good morning. My name is Pierre. And you are?" or "Looks like rain, doesn’t it?" With the turkey, there is no language barrier.

Lesson 3: Be Thankful Even for Chicken Feed
Day in. Day out. Same ol’, same ol’. Chicken feed. B-o-r-i-n-g! No hamburger and french fries. No pizza. No tacos. No nachos. Nothing but chicken feed. No matter what your cafeteria food tastes like, I guarantee you it’s better than chicken feed. (My cafeteria food tastes a little like chicken feed, but it’s a lot spicier.)

Lesson 4: Don’t Let the Ridicule of Others Stop You From Being Who You Are
A lot of things have been called a "turkey." A bad movie, worthless stock, a failed business, a substandard product. There are even annual Turkey Awards given for less-than-impressive accomplishments. But do you see turkeys picketing the movie studios or the offices of CEOs? True, they couldn’t hold up the picket signs, but it’s more than that. Turkeys haven’t gotten their feathers ruffled or their baggy noses out of joint because they know who they are. They’ve chosen to go on with life and face the ridicule like a . . . well, turkey. They don’t need the approval of others to know their worth.

Lesson 5: If You’ve Got Wings, Fly!
To look at a turkey, you wouldn’t think he could fly. Even though he has wings, he’s got an awful big load to carry. But does he let that stop him? Nope. He still flies. He uses the wings he’s equipped with and takes off. He doesn’t compare himself to the eagle and say, "I’ll never fly as high as him, so I think I’ll just get my wings clipped and forget it." He flies as high as he can, whenever he can!

Lesson 6: Be Yourself
A turkey isn’t man’s best friend. You can’t play Frisbee with him or take him to the beach and let him ride the waves with you (he’d probably sink). A turkey is just a turkey. He’s not even man’s second best friend. Or third. Who knows where he falls on the list. But turkeys won’t change their behavior to win us over. They just go about their days being turkeys.

Lesson 7: Beware of Those Who Want to Fatten You Up
At times, the turkey can be too trusting. There are those in his life who only pretend to be his friend, bringing him bucket after bucket of chicken feed. But they’re up to no good. There’s a motive behind their kindness, and it has something to do with cranberry sauce.

Lesson 8: Stick Your Neck Out, But Only When It’s Safe
In life, you sometimes have to stick your neck out. Turkeys know that. But sometimes it’s better to stay in the background. This is a lesson that, unfortunately, many turkeys have had to learn the hard way.

Lesson 9: Being the Big Kahuna Isn’t Always a Good Thing
It’s Thanksgiving. Families are gathering. We’re talking groups of eight or 12 or even 20 people. It takes a big turkey to fill all those hungry mouths. So who are they going to look for? That’s right — The Big Cheese, The Fat Cat, The Big Kahuna of the turkey ranch. Sometimes it pays to be the last in line.

Lesson 10: A Little Heat Can Make You Tender
None of us like to go through heated situations, but one thing they do for us is make us tender. There’s nothing worse than a tough old bird.

This Thanksgiving, remember to pause before carving into that delicious-looking fowl. Ask yourself, and maybe your whole family, "What additional life lessons can be learned from the turkey?" Turkey as a teacher?

"Gobble, gobble." Which in this case means, "You’d better believe it!"

i'm hungry and i'm gonna go for dinner now :-) bye bye!

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