
Thursday, January 01, 2004

happy new year 22 hours late! well, you know what i mean. 

ah, what a festive season. festive. hate that word. but anyway, since i've finally, finally, finally kicked my brother off the computer (he's been on for 5 hours already... which is completely unfair cos he says he's "downloading stuff" and my dad's all "ok"... RAAWWWWWRRRRRRRRRR), i might as well make the most of what i can on this crappy website for the last day of my crappy holidays.

which weren't really crappy, but i'm in a crappy mood now.

takes a few spaces to get me to be uncrapperized, huh?

ok. i'm fully uncrapperized now! here's a tribute to all my meals before the first of january (today), and the first of january (today).

the last thing i ate in 2003 a.k.a. last year:
some reese bites, chocolates with almonds inside, and chicken in a biskit. and a cup of water.

the first thing i ate in 2004 a.k.a. this morning a.k.a. breakfast:
cocoa pebbles.

lunch (it's so troublesome) (i hate a.k.a.'s, anyway):
a slice of pizza, some funny pasta thing, my mom's yummy yummy yummy yum baked potato au gratin whatever thing, and fruit punch.

grapes, honey baked ham, ginger beer, two oranges, two apples, and a chocolate biscuit.

well, my dad's ninnypooing at how "10:30 pm" is my allocated time-slot for bed.
isn't that just so precious?

school tomorrow! i can feel the words of geography, dead poets (literature), english, and arithmetic roman numerals floating in my hair, down to the roots, into my head...

or not.

now let's just hope i have a nice lovely dream about some holiday in... malibu, or something. i don't know. anything, but school.

ah, there you go. it's exactly 10:37 pm and i can hear my dad. sorry, still hear my dad.

did i ever mention that the rest of my family are watching Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark?

have to go. mom and dad are nipping at my toenails about how i was only supposed to spend 10 minutes in contrary to my brother's 5 and a half hours. anyway, i must go now. wish me luck that i don't get eaten up on the first day of school.

i mean, seriously, i actually washed my shoes.


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