
Monday, January 05, 2004

layered look 

as i was in 174 (... no, this is not a contemplative post) i realized that all these new condominiums are going for the layered look, like all these metal thingies hanging out at the side of the building...

but anyway. two days running and i'm still going relatively strong in terms of... attending school. i mean, at least i haven't tried not going. we're getting our own lockers! ok, ok, to all you ics goers, big deal, but we were made to pay $45 a year just to put our phones in. AND the lockers were right at the back of the canteen. well, can't complain now, other than the fact that we are getting school socks.

i feel so welcomed by conformity.

dinner! yay! bye :)

(well meg, of course i wouldn't get mad at you! it's just a belt... hahaha)

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