
Friday, January 16, 2004

poo doggay doggay doggay doggay (that is, by the way, an actual song.) 

no one is online.

everyone's out.

well, obviously except me.


what has this world come to? not much, if that's what's been up with me. i've been sitting at home the whole week, doing math. do i feel accomplished or what?

this colour is called cadet blue, if any of you would like to know.

but i don't think so.

let's see... meg's out playing pool with stephen (our makeover friend) and some other people (i think), jo's out watching the extremely gay barkervibes or whatever it's called, and so are about half of the mgs population. ok, maybe not. and ics people are watching finding nemo in their basketball court.

i made that sound weird, didn't i? not like it's not weird (sorry student council), it's just that i made it sound weirder than it should sound.

plus i'm not making sense. i've been nagging at anna for the past half an hour (ha! my comrade who's stuck at home too.. heh heh heh and wow, that makes me feel waaaay better), this shrimp just ATE THE DEAD PRETTY PINK AND YELLOW FISH'S EYEBALL! EWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i'm really hungry, it's late and i'm starving cos i only had two chipolatas for lunch at 4, i'm listening to some retarded song called "punk rock tootsie pop" and i hatehatehatehate that song. goodness knows why it's still on my iTunes... ok, i just deleted it. and now i'm listening to a song by homestar runner - Poot Slap.

my life is slowly dissolving like magnesium strips in hydrochloric acid right before my sleepy contactlensedeyes.

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