
Sunday, January 04, 2004

why is my dad so 

adamant about me studying today?

i told him, "i don't want to study today. not that i've been studying everyday, but today's Lazy Day and besides, i'm going to sleep early. well, at least i'll try to."

i don't think it really worked. he's gone back into his room... but before he did he gave me a really dirty look and said "come on, get off the computer. go study... go study... go and study... study..."

repetition gets really annoying. we ALL know that.

yes yes.

asfghasagaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh (and if you couldn't really tell, i'm quite peeved at him now, which isn't good. so i need to cool down. yes, i'm cool.)


and you'd think that after surviving the first day of school i'd be fine with the second... actually, i think it's worse. because that's when the real stuff starts. and the teachers start springing up with scary tests for us. and they give us lots of homework. and i'm not allowed on the computer for as long as before because my mom and dad will insist that after completing my homework i will have to study for 50 hours. and on top of that i will have to be snacking 24/7 because when this professor whatever study habits guy did my study habits thing, it said that food was absolutely essential for nourishing my brain when i study.

consider me dead.

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