
Thursday, February 19, 2004

getting old 

i'm aching all over. i think i have some sort of rare disease that makes me age quicker. I DON'T WANT WRINKLES TOO SOON!

sorry. got a bit carried away. i'm sick! (please, not with the stupid bird flu) my dad picked me up from school at 8:45 a.m. and we went to see the lovely doctor who gave me nasty medicine (which knocked me out for three hours - i just woke up!) and my mom just spent eight minutes on the computer. so cool, we can log in at the same time! i know, like, WOW! well... anyway. my brother's ALIIIIIIIIIIVE!! he called (it was a bit crackly) and it was sooo good to hear his voice! i think i've gone through my horribly emotional phase about him leaving and all, so i'm a bit more sane to write about what we did at the airport, and a little after that:

1. cried
2. sniffed
3. hugged and hugged and squeezed my brother
4. cried some more
5. waved bye bye while crying
6. went to coffee bean and had delicious food and hot vanilla at 12 midnight
7. came home, cried a lot more
8. woke up with puffy eyes
9. went to school miserable
10. there is no 10 but it'd look incomplete

he mailed us, as in mom, dad, and me, and he's doing well! he gave me a testimonial on friendster - my very bare and naked friendster as i only have one friend (jo) and a brother (reuben) - and i don't think he will ever stop going on about me not studying.

let's see... i'm down with a horrible throat infection, which means that it makes me go wobbly when i walk and also that i can't eat any roti prata even though i YEARN for it.

i'm in my jammies :) and it's 2:49 pm :) and my mom bought these weird cheese doodles from ikea for me :) and the phone's ringing :) i think i took happy medicine or something.


bye! :)

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