
Monday, February 09, 2004

i contradict myself and my own intellectual status (if any) 

i have good news, and bad news. ok. bad news first.

1. the inevitable: i got a 2/30 for chemistry. i don't know how on earth my marks dwindled to that (I ACTUALLY PAID ATTENTION FOR THAT STUPID CHAPTER!), but that sure made me feel stupid.

2. the necessary: i skipped clb (which is partly good news), and went to mcdonald's instead, where i had a lovely Mc Colosso and... spilt it all over my shirt, which already was tinged brown with last friday's espresso ice cream from movenpick.

and of course, the good news:

1. the never-once-in-anyone's-lifetime-would-they-expect-sort-of-thing: I PASSED MY MATH TEST!

NOT ONLY THAT, I TOPPED THE CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(doesn't that kind of fantabuloustic good news deserve so many exclamation marks?)

2. the blah-blah-"alright-we'll-still-say-it's-good-news"-news: i had chilli crab and black pepper crab and stingray for dinner last night with the south african people staying over at my house for a few days (which explains why my mom is currently camped out in my room, and i barely have any space to move because she brought almost all her clothes in with her) and while we were at newton we saw this other south african couple that upped and left for canada (or if Austin's Cult likes, canadia) and they'd seen me and my brother 10 years ago, and they still remember us because they have a video of the BOTH of us singing "i love my daddy, deep down in my heart".

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