
Thursday, February 05, 2004

i'm no speedy gonzales 

but i'll try really hard to type fast! we're leaving to go to my granny's house very very very soon and i'm OH MY GOODNESS THERE ARE ANTS ON THE KEYBOARD! SORRY, IN THE KEYBOARD! well, anyway, too bad. let's see... there isn't much to say, and there really never is, but i'll just tell you what i did today.

i had a literature test which i completely screwed up by calling the steward the second mate, which is a life or death matter. and then immediately after that i had a nasssssty chemistry test which will make my mom and dad lock me up in my room with my fat chemistry book for the rest of the year.

i drew on my hand. as usual.

i don't sit next to alissa anymore! my lovely and wonderful mrs chong the super teacher moved me next to nikki/nicky (i'm not sure which one she'd prefer, but anyway).

uh oh. i didn't do my transformations homework. which was due today. and i'm leaving soon. and i'll come back and watch american idol... oh boy. very dead.

oh! had a clb test yesterday which was not at all pleasant. it didn't really help that JO had to leave early for her dancey dance, which left me surrounded by the weird, clueless, and completely vulgar guys. (a by-the-way thing: never in my entire life have i ever heard the f word every two words by a person sitting next to me out loud.) i think we all just gave up in the end. i guessed the rest of the paper, and that vulgar guy was going around asking people to pick something from A-D for him to put as his answer. brenda gave me her extra pair of socks. how lovely.

my booby brother's leaving in 12 days. excuse me. i think i'm going to cry.

(that, by the way, is not me after getting plastic surgery or some body-altering crap thing. i just ripped it off some random lady's site.)

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