
Thursday, February 26, 2004

red oesophagus/throat/gullet/pipe/foodcanal/back-of-mouth 

so nasty, i just got back from the doctor (yes, i saw her exactly a week ago) and she says my throat is still red, my nose is flowing freely and i get to skip the mass run tomorrow!!! YAAAAAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the only downside about this whole "yaaaay" thing is that i have four different types of medication to take and MORE antibiotics!!! this is never going to end :( the chemistry test today was alright, thanks to... a lot of... cramming last night (not bad, and i was smsing throughout!)

the steak was superduperfrupertriliciously yummy :) anyway, i have math homework (loci, loci, i love you, loci) calling me.

still searching for a throat scratcher,

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