
Monday, May 17, 2004

my molecule of wisdom will be imparted 

hello, hello! it's only 5:22 pm and it feels like i've gone through this day twenty times. not like many people read this and appreciate what i'm typing right now (i understand if you don't because it's going to be whining), but it really does feel very good to type all the crappy bits of my day out.

firstly, never, ever read a book on the bus. not only does that give you the world's worst migraine ever, the bus will occasionally jerk (doesn't the word occasion look so weird all of a sudden?) and the page that you were sooo absorbed in will be lost as you fumble for the page.

secondly, never, ever sit right at the back of the bus where there is all this nasty and... graphically displayed acts of vandalism, better known as graffiti. in my case, i was sitting on this most unfortunate seat that faced a... a... it's too vile to write or explain here, so i'll leave it to your imagination.

thirdly, never, ever bite your lip in the same place five times. my pathetic lip is "living" proof, because at the width of my ulcer, you'd be surprised i can even move it.

and lastly, my dear crickers, never, ever combine all three together.

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