
Thursday, June 24, 2004

"...slap you on the face and enjoy the show" 

dope nose by weezer isn't such a good song after all. (well, of course the name says everything, but still. have to give weezer some credit.)

my week's been mundane. all i've done is stay at home. i got lucky last night (in a clean way, mind you) and got out of the house for dinner and also to go to the prayer meeting. nice nice. other than that, it's been staying at home and watching rented movies and eating ben and jerry's (one sweet whirled is sooo good). last night's movie was bend it like beckham. - "turn your mosquito bites into juicy juicy mangoes!" ahh, we all love that line.

we're going out for italian tonight, don the kind afrikaan has decided to buy us dinner. very generous of him.

YAY!!!!!!!! ITALIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway, homestar runner it is for now. ta!

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