
Tuesday, August 03, 2004

say essay sayeya eassay eassay essay eyeassa 

I DID MY ORPHAN ESSAY! YAY! i'm so rhymey oh blimey it's slimey


while meg was on the computer, isaku niftily got himself into a compromising position with the bed because he stuck his legs up against the wall and squished his body into the wall and it looked so NASTY! he also said he had a wedgie. meg took note that his thighs were as white as snow. stuff we don't ever need to know.

why oh why am i so rhymey

Dear Sanna,

If you are reading this, GOOD. Because you should not be going to my non-existent xanga that has been untouched for nearly a year. Thanks for commenting and I feel so compelled to type like this simply because it seems up to your standard. Weird.

I AM NOT LOOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!I AM ....


no looly

bye :D

oh, yes. where art those comments that have brought this blog LIFE? no one comments anymore. no one even tags nice stuff. blah, blah, blah.

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