
Wednesday, September 15, 2004

i feel like throwing up 

click after you've digested your food

i like goldfinger. i really do. i just don't know how i'm going to listen to their music now after watching that. i don't know whether to cry because i feel so, so, so sick after watching that. this is interesting:

Then there is the great outdoors. Maybe you and your friends celebrate "Earth Day." Or maybe you’ve heard a cry in your church to become more "earth friendly." Remember the "What Would Jesus Drive?" campaign? Don’t get me wrong: I think nature is fantastic. I’m out there every chance I get. But I also believe that God placed mankind over nature and told us to subdue it (see the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, verse 28). When we as Christians act like we’re not the stewards of nature but rather its offspring, I start to get upset.

never thought of it that way.

i also wonder how people back in the old testament sacrificed those animals so easily. (7 exam papers down, TWO TO GO!)

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