
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

a succint message from the illegal poster 

i really shouldn't be online. i feel fluffy now! fluff! puff!

fluffy puff!

i spent two and a half hours in school this morning doing trigonometry. i got sick and tired of seeing cosines and sines and tangents i began to play with my scientific calculator. look, how neat is this? i made a gross name!


in all it's glory, kim accused me of planning to name my kid that next time. excuse me?

we also ditched school halfway to eat roti prata. that was overly yummy. we also got off at the wrong bus stop and kim did not keep quiet for the rest of the walk there. my ears were aching and jo was trying to calm me down.

how do you keep miscelanous (that typo there is on purpose) people from making weird comments on your tagboard? fascists and idiosyncratics.

farewell now, chemistry beckons!

"commme to me, ruthiieeee... sweeeeet chemisssstry is i... *hiss*"

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