
Monday, February 14, 2005

The Rant 

8:30 am: my brother leaves
9 am: my mom, dad, and i go to an empty parkway for breakfast at delifrance... weird
9:45 am: we go grocery shopping and buy pet food and litter for the fatbit
11:00 am: we get home
3 pm: my dad drops me off at ics
3:03 pm: i have to wear a badge saying "VISITOR 05"
3:10 pm: i saw alana!!!! *squeal*
3:13 pm: tim, me, and meg take a very happy looking picture. tim is wearing a pink shirt.
3:30 pm: meg and i are in the science room waiting for stephen and isaku to do their lab
4 pm: meg, me, isaku, stephen, ansell, david, val, josh, nathan and eddie run for the bus
4:10 pm: go to carrefour and buy water (0 calories), unlike stephen and ansell who buy four bottles of ginger beer (5000 calories)
4:30 pm: end up at some Xbox place, meg and i are stuck with stephen, nathan, and ansell playing soccer
5:30 pm: meg and i leave the Xbox place, the rest of them happily burning their retinas in the multimedia room
6:40 pm: we watch bayside shakedown 2, make fun of a lot of the movie
9:45 pm: i get home

right, on to the exciting stuff. don just ranted a very long rant, about valentine's day. i'm exploiting his words by putting them on for you puppies to read.

Van Reeve, party liason
I personally dislike the whole concept of Valentines day

Van Reeve, party liason
I find it degrades love and the need for couples to be intimate

Van Reeve, party liason
why do we need a day to celebrate love, shouldnt that come naturally

Van Reeve, party liason
surely if someone needs a day to force them to be romantic blah blah then they are a hopeless case anyway

Van Reeve, party liason
its also consumerism, capitalism at its worst!!

Van Reeve, party liason

Van Reeve, party liason
but consumer marketing and advertising numbs us to subconscience impulses, reducing us to pavlov dogs

Van Reeve, party liason
haha sorry for rantin

Van Reeve, party liason
as the year begins we have valentines day, then its fathers day, then mothers day, then easter, then halloween, then christmas, then valentines day...............................................................

Van Reeve, party liason
its so subliminal

Van Reeve, party liason
but who is to blame really, its just economics

Van Reeve, party liason
advertiser and marketers just ride the bus and create the supply and demand chain

Van Reeve, party liason
the irony of it all is that if you or I were going out with someone and boycotted valentines day we would never-the-less, no good our arguments were, be in poo

Van Reeve, party liason
I have to admit that I used to celebrate valentines day, but that was before I developed an individualised thinking brain

Van Reeve, party liason
iow my school indoctrinated me into buying stoopid flowers and chocolates for the opposite sex i may have a crush on

Van Reeve, party liason
capitilism on a small scale, but yet exploitation, the numbness was setting in at an early age

Van Reeve, party liason
hahaha but even think about going to see a movie nowadays

Van Reeve, party liason
have you ever tried to see a movie without a large popcorn, a gazillion litre cooldrink and sweets

Van Reeve, party liason
i walk in and just buy without thinking, I should really just bark all the way into the movie

Van Reeve, party liason
haha woof woof

Van Reeve, party liason
ring ding ding

Van Reeve, party liason
woof woof "slobber" - "I'll have a large popcorn and the biggest coolie you got please"

Van Reeve, party liason

Van Reeve, party liason
at the end of the day my thoughts are - if you cant beat em join em

Van Reeve, party liason
be capitalised or capitalised

Van Reeve, party liason
so do you want to buy a card, flowers, chocolates, and a package deal to see a soppy movie and a cheap dinner (which I will over charge you for) - I've got a special deal for you!

Van Reeve, party liason
hehe yipppe another victim

Van Reeve, party liason
sorry bout the ranting

Van Reeve, party liason
have a great valentines day

Van Reeve, party liason

ha. i took an hour to post this.

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