
Sunday, August 31, 2003

die, mozzies, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

i have a mozzie bite on my head :-( where's the justice in that? my mom's cooking now, i think. well i mean the kitchen is noisy so i'm just assuming that she's cooking. but whatever. oooooh nice weekend!!!!! :D see all you stinkers who couldn't go to sonicfest.. (i'm kidding) no i think hanging out with all the people was much fun-ner than the show itself.. but honestly, summersalt was much better than all the other bands. ha. ha. ha. it's a holiday tomorrow!! ok, i'm hungry. to the kitchen now :D

Thursday, August 28, 2003

boo yah 

don't worry meg, truer words have never been spoken by you. can i still call you and bug you?

bug you! bug you! bug you!


Trawling in my skin
the fins will not heal
Fishes they are all
vicious phin of a dol

i actually came up with that rubbish a long time ago. just rediscovered it in my 'random junk' folder! :D

Ruth's Wishlist 

so far so good!

I got my green Relient K cd!!!

and now it's time for me to go eat.. uh.. kung pao chicken.

oh! and meg: i haven't really experimented that much with my lemony toothpaste, but i might tonight cos i have a lot of time! stupid retro thing tomorrow, so much for a fantastic shopping spree, i didn't get any top, just my

green Relient K cd!!!

mad for mad 

so cold in the library. so COLD. so cold. and i have a mad magazine, adeline and kimchi next to me! (yay) it's so cold i can barely type. so far so good. here's ade:

HIEEEEEEEEEEE! dunoe wad to type. hafta stay in skl till late night. the things i do for my skl. i shld get an award. nobel peace prize? splendid idea. :]

me again. here's kim:

helliu ruth-ians. help help! i have nothing to write! type! say! think! 'tut tut'.

ade: i want a BALLOOOOONIE.

ok, enough of weird random people typing here, it's ME! the ultimate weird and random person who was nice enough to make them say something. but anyway. my poor, poor, poor hands.


i'll never make it in winter, will i?

i'm not hungry, i'm starving, i'm cold, i'm cranky, i have my scientific calculator in front of me and ade staring at the screen. i can't type anynore. see? i'll miss my fingers. my poor, sweet fingers. ok i'll leave my typo's cos it's taking too lon g to cifix them. see? i meant FIX but no, it had to be gidac ok whatever that was (Randomosity is an art form only put into perfection by me.) (don't copy me) (or i won't be original) (i'll come after you) (and maul you)

enough sadistic-ness. i was at the beach at 10 last night!! and i had my height compared (uh oh laureen's here) (she went away! she listened to me! oh my word.) about five times. but i think i'll get used to it. i say i'm used to it but really, i'm not. not when guys twice your age and twice your height surround you. bubbellel!! (hey margohmayee what happened to your bubbellel phase? so sad! so sad!) i'm sure you're sick of my frostbitten fingery typen words now, so bye!

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

summersalt has taken over the living room 

it's true. too much testosterone. must.. escape... (so feeble)

yaaay we just had ice cream! stupid Chocolate Whizz wasn't even Whizzy. had to put it under hot water then it turned out beautiful! sorry, did i just call chocolate beautiful?

well, at least i think i don't...

shopping tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

tut tut 

and you dare ask me? tut tut tut tut.

good point, though. i am supposed to be doing my ART now but i really am so tired, too tired to think of anything. meg i am not surviving. AT ALL. :-(

oh dear, oh sweetie, oh.. ok. ewww. 

oh boy. oh boy. oh girl. (i'm not sexist)

i was eating my nice and harmless sandwich when clever me, i drop it on the keyboard.

-C.L.E.V.E.R ruth

Monday, August 25, 2003

so retro  

i'm attempting to plan a bonding session with my mom on thursday!

Shopping :-)

meg! we can meet! i think. hahahhahahahaha could you imagine my MOM in that PLACE????? hahahahahhaha speaking of things that have got to do with the letter 'M', i am currently being disfigured by mozzies the size of australia on my legs. :(

stupid retro thingie thing on friday :(

meg disturbs me sometimes 

but anyway, yes, talking about heat, you have to change the heading back to black cos all the other headings are red. *sigh*
imagine, your future husband, right before your wedding day, he'll say to you casually:

"So, Meg, how's the little infatuation with Ashton Kutcher coming along?"

Meg, clutching a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Ashton, replies:

"Oh, it's been long gone, no worries!"

i digress.

My Specialities 

- interacting with various microscopic creatures as I battle with them for a place to sleep amongst that kind on my brother's room's floor

- hungriness

- saying 'Ach!' for no reason, even when I have nothing whatsoever to do with that particular heritage

- taking forever to go to the bathroom for a shower and spending a lifetime in there

- smsing

- watching my rabbits eat as I complain about how smelly they are

Sunday, August 24, 2003

water is extremely good for you 

(unfortunately i'm not a sticker for consuming things that are extremely good for me, but i'm drinking water now. oh well.)

i met the guys of summersalt today!!! very nicestrangeweirdhappyinsanelywhack people. i'm sure their music should be just as good.

"sure" oh wait yes yes they have their song on their site. yes yes. now let me go listen.

the..song..is..taking...forever...to...load............ oh! nearly done!

hey! they're good! nice happy little ditties :-)

click here or you are a sucker

no, no, it's not propaganda or me being bias. i'm just uh.. helping them with PUBLICITY. uh huh.

anyway, i have to go now. to eat with my granny. her birthday. her 75TH birthday! :D (ooh. she's 60 years older than me :| that is scary.) (ok, good reason she is, she's my GRANNY...)

Saturday, August 23, 2003

My Clever Mom 

she's so clever that she just told me that the music's on cos of some stupid seventh chinesey month thingie thing. pfffffft. oh! so that's why there was burnt paper flying around! ewww.

ah, better 

sum 41 and relient k to drown them out :D

highly disturbing 

the windows are shut but i can hear NASTY, VILE music. the bass is really loud and there's a tinkly chinese tune in the background.


gone are the days of peace....


Friday, August 22, 2003

that was nice 

i just watched the weezer-muppet collabaration thingie for the song Keep Fishin' ah that was nice!

weezer + muppets = incredibly great cure for home-aloneness and boredomnessity :-)

Thursday, August 21, 2003

oh my goodness 

that wasn't a beetle, it was a stinking BUMBLEBEE! i hate bumblebees :-(


i hate beetles :-(


i.. think.. there's... a... beetle in my room... there's a horrible flappy scratchy noise behind the curtains that only beetles are capable of making... aaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm calm, i'm calm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

oh, well. 

hello strange random people who come to this wonderful and exciting site!

-sociable ruth

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Who on earth is 

Hi mom! you're standing behind me! ok she's not anymore. but she's right next to me. anyway. as i was saying, who is that random guy called andy?? scary. and why is our blog scary?


So much for brainiest.. 

ha! i could answer the questions in the show Singapore's Brainiest Kid ok, ok, fine, fine. now stop gagging. (i'm not trying to hint anything. really.)

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Abby's Back!!!!!!!!!!! 

i just talked to her on the phone!!!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!! ahahahhahaha well i'm supposed to be studying biology now but it's so hard to cos there's this girl from south africa staying in my house now (she's veryveryvery nice.. meg she reminds me of cher!!!!) and aaaaaaaahhhh!! so many reasons NOT to study for bio. but i have to or.. or.. i dunno, or i'll just die. so i'll go study now.

-logical and happy ruth

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Event of The Day: 

So fun! So exciting! I know you've always wanted to know the lyrics to Michael Row Your Boat Ashore! Well, here they are! :-)

Michael Row Your Boat Ashore
Michael row your boat ashore
Michael row your boat ashore

Michael's boat is a music boat
Michael's boat is a music boat

Sister help to trim the sail
Sister help to trim the sail

Jordan's river is deep and wide
Meet my mother on the other side

Jordan's river is chilly and cold
Kills a body but not the soul

Ruth's Anti-Chemistry Movement 

temptation to go on my nice nice computer too great. i got so sick of studying chem i actually sat down and recorded voicemail messages again.. and again... and again until i gave up (it's a very stupid one right now) and my phone died. it's being revived by the charger, but still. incredible! not.

I Hate Chemistry More Than I Hate Carrots

my tongue 

owwwwwwww ouch ouch ouch stupid beef pie just had to be so stinking hot ouch ouch ouch

beef pie 

it's waiting for me in the microwave
it's the only thing that can save
me from undigestion
a tummy infestation
of aches and cramps and hunger
a lame excuse to eat the better burger
if i could sit back and sigh
what would i do without beef pie?

sorry, that was really, really, really bad.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

evil PC people (AHAHAHHAHA!) (kidding.) 

aiyah! cannot be like that the one one ah! no no! AH CHE. turns out people who have PCs can't see the links at the side (oh, and if case you're - whoever you are - a PCer, there are links at the panel where it's just white.


...Of The Day 

Pop!, goes the weasel!

Michael Row Your Boat Ashore

Random Made-up Phrase:
Ants so nasty!
Ants so smelly!

they can't be serious... 

You are Jennifer Horton

What Days of Our Lives character are you?(ie, DOOL)(improved)
brought to you by Quizilla


Monday, August 11, 2003


meg just commented on her realisation that the picture of the both of us in the commenty box (the nasty squished picture above the box) (yes so longwinded). she said i look like ickle poody cutie quasimodo. gee, thanks.

oh, and she had to add that he was short, too.

Sunday, August 10, 2003


Power Rangers Movie!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla


You're sweet and innocent on the outside but on the inside you're one wild horny bunny!
Congratulations! You're a Bunny Hug!!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

let me go hug my rabbits now...

You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

(hey jo, we're the same!)


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

(i get that all the time.)

Saturday, August 09, 2003

Foodie Day After Friday 

today was reallyreallyreally weird :| i mean i went to this prophetic meeting thingie this morning (so sleepy) and after that i had to go to the CEMETERY .. i've never been to the cemetery. it's not scary it's actually pretty cool (lYk, DeWd, tOt@lLy SmAsHiNz, rAwKiNz!!!~!~~!~!~*~*~*~) (sorry about that) even if you think i'm strange to say that......... i felt so sorry for my granny and my grandpa they looked so sad when the coffin went in :( but i hope i'll NEVER have to go back to that place it was so hot and weird all these smokey people standing around trying to dig into the ground with pathetic 'shovels' (more like plastic disposable forks) and the atmosphere was so so so so horrible.

Announcement Of The Day:
Please don't wear black to my funeral.

(severely looking forward to the dinner)

Thursday, August 07, 2003

oh dear. 



I FINISHED MY ART!!!!! it's a complete miracle. i've spent the whole night painting a stupid cow and i'm DONE DONE DONE!!!!

i want the commenty things back :(

Foodie Day Before Friday 

MOM'S COOKING! yay! i went to great world city with penny and her mom for lunch today :D it was so SO SO SO good! and christine, i am not a freeloader. *sulk* but anyway. i have nothing to post here, isn't that weird? abby replied to my mail, so it's a sign that she's alive somewhere in the world getting fat!!! (yay) hahahha the fishes seem to be coping pretty well without their Soul Brudda (can't say soul sista so too bad).

There were 3 clownfishes, 1 yellow thingiefish, 1 hot pink-yellow fish, 2 blue-yellow fishes and 2 shrimps.

Now we're left with 2 clownfishes, 1 hot pink-yellow fish and 2 blue-yellow fishes.

Too bad i'm not very keen on mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on fishes.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

yaaaaaaaay :D 

my mom and dad are HOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D yaaaaaay :D and they bought chocolates home even when i made my mom promise not to cos i have enough in the fridge..


but not like it matters anyway!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

oh. but. there's a MASSIVE beyond MASSIVE moth in the bathroom right now AAAAAAAAAH MY MOM JUST WENT IN SHE IS SO BRAVE ewww i don't dare to shower right now, my mucho bravo dad is showering in his bathroom and he said he'd chase it out after he gets out. :D :D :D :D :D see, what would i do without my mom and dad?

wait. since when did my mom ever not be afraid of BUGS?!?!?! more importantly, WHAT DID AUSTRALIA DO TO THEM?!?!?!


EWWWWW EWWWW EWWW there's a dead CLOWNFISH on the floor of my living room now, and i think it jumped out of the tank or something. i'm so freaked! i mean, i called reuben and he expects ME to clean it up.. aaahh it stinks....... aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh


ewww...... poor fishie though :(

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

so fun :D 

this is so cool i can't get over it!


so coolio meg! really, what boredom can drive people to.

Woodchucks and such 


i actually did that quiz on shortruth. but i decided it was too shocking to be kept in the dusty archives section. so here it is! my secret's out.

Let there be light 

the stupid electricity went off for an hour just now! but! there's light now. aha!

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOM AND DAD ARE BACK TOMORROW!!!! i smsed my mom asking her my golden question: 'Have you done any shopping?'

and and and ahahhaahaha her reply was really nice: 'It will be like christmas for you.'

i hope my mom isn't being cryptic :|

what is wrong with my parents and my brother?? this is what they said when i told them the electricity was back on (my brother was actually blaming it on the fish tank, something about the filter and yadda yadda yadda...):

'Good. Now eat something.'

isn't it ironic how much chocolate i consumed right before my mom told me that?

MxPx madness 

well i feel like listening to it right now and i just dug out ALL of my brother's mxpx cds and i'm on an mxpx overload...

Chick Magnet

Well he's a chick magnet, if ya know what I mean
The way the girlies just go to him
Well ya should've seen
the guy yeah, he's got style and it's plain to see
Smooth shoes and cool tattoos
Hair pomped as tight as can be

He ain't got a girlfriend
No one to sing this song to
He's gotta settle down
If he meets that special girl soon

He knows just what to do
When it comes to the girls
He writes them poetry
And he picks them flowers
He knows just what to say
When it comes to the ladies
Knows how to make a girl smile
How to drive a girl crazy

those lyrics are highly disturbing. those poor girlies!

i feel grouchy 

just cos so many people didn't hand in their math work my faaaaabulous teacher has implemented (hahaha ewww just reminded me of the word implanted) (but anyway) all these stupid new rules, one of them being:

my class will now have a short test EVERYDAY from tomorrow onwards because we suck at math.

my life is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok ok i must-not-exaggerate... but... evil, evil, evil, evil teacher.

Monday, August 04, 2003

i'm very much starving 

and meg's beef pie is going round... and round... and round... in the microwave right this very second. since i had SCRUMPTIOUS and DELIGHTFUL pie last night. WOO HOO! no, really. i'm listening to teenage dirtbag now and it's so weird cos i just realised i reallyreallyreally don't like that song anymore :| it's just gotten old, that's all. YAY! it's the yodeling veterinarian of the alps now!!! the shallots are harmonising now... wait ok larry's yodeling now :D ah, feel much better now. the veggies are the best cure for me!

or not, i'm still hungry.

pathetic me 

i'm hungry and what do meg and i get stuck with? that's right, INSTANT NOODLES or FROZEN PIES. even though the pies are good.

Dear Worried: 

Indeed, I have been counseling since that era. Anyhow, in reply to your taxing question, I will now issue out free advice.
It has been a long-known fact that 'dreams' (dare i say nightmares) of Teletubbies chasing you with mops is a sign of a lack of interaction with your condusive environment, in another sense you do need to get in touch with your inner-housewife. Perhaps your family members have been pressuring you to get started on the neglected laundry, or sweep the floor? If so, get cracking on that wood! (Even though it's so hard!) However, the contradiction of your Barney delusions are very unexplainable. It is a possibility though, that you were perhaps brainwashed with subliminal messages of loving Barney whilst listening to Michelle Branch's new album, Hotel Paper. No, there is nothing wrong with you honey! It's just a phase you're going through. We like to call them hormones. It is true though, that if this persists, you might be suffering from a sub-conscious concussion. Please do contact your family physicist if this persists.

Aunt Ruth

Sunday, August 03, 2003

Biological Nutrition Lessons With Ruth - Lesson1 

ok, i actually take that back. i mean, i'd die from.. i dunno, calories if i lived on chocolate. who's ever heard of fat-free chocolate??!!?! that's just ridiculous. plus you get all these fools who forget that the fat in your body comes from CALORIES more than actual fat does.

and on top of that, i'm having pie for dinner tonight.


i'm eating veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryVERYveryveryvery nice chocolate from south africa now! it's this milk chocolate thing with really soft marshmallow inside (yumyumyum)

now who says i don't eat?!?!?! (ha!)

*cough* even if certain people (coughtimcough) had steamboat and wondered why he was always eating and i'm always hungry.. well i live on chocolate. :-)

The Fundamentals Of The Modern Fan (ahem) 

today is super duper hot, and thank God for the invention of the fan!


i think.

oh well, my leg is itchy and it's red cos i've been scratching it. but of course, i'm sure all of you (whoever bothers to read these things we call 'posts') couldn't care less. anyway, the windows are closed and the fan is drying my contacts out. i'll continue my suffocation if i turn the fan off and leave the windows closed. but i'm too lazy to open the windows, because nasty things like birds/mozzies/flies/cooties will fly in. so i think i'll stick with dry, red eyes.

Saturday, August 02, 2003


my brother refuses to go to our site. i'm so hurt. :'( evil man.




You are worth exactly: $1,559,030.00.

wow, that's sooooo consoling. :'(

Meg is worth exactly: $1,579,030.00.

so hurting! so hurting! GBAHAHAHAHAHAH

("because i'm worth it" -meg)

really? really? you are? ahahkdjahlkdjh jkjkjk i use loreal, not YOU pffffft

he is born ze holy child 

wouldn't you believe it, i'm listening to the french peas sing a christmas song. well i'm in the mood for listening to it, so there you go. meg is sitting next to me!!! just came back from youth which was very INTERESTING. (stupid questions) anyway, my mom and dad are STILL in australia and this is so weird i'm treating this blog a bit better than my old one lol (so ashaming! SO ASHAMING!) (my engrees is goosh!!!) ashsdjkha;iwuejkfmdn,s VBYE BYEH

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